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Scholardarity solicits your contributions!

Subscriptions to the Scholardarity Community








Because most items in Scholardarity are free to read, your work will receive far more readers than journal sites, where the readers have to pay and subscribe to read every article. Since opening this site in May, 2011, we have had over 106,000 hits. Writers who subscribe to Scholardarity can contribute some of their work to our readership and then sell some of it. We hope to be a site that provides you with income for your scholarship.

For contributions of 7,000 words or less, no subscription required to submit or publish with Scholardarity. For longer contributions, subscriptions are $15.00  per person per year. If you are an author wishing to contribute your writing to Scholardarity, modest monthly charges will later apply for editing, peer review, e-store sales, and  advertising publicity. Please join us and register as a contributor, author, editor, and/or reviewer.
You may submit your contribution using Scholardarity’s submission form. After review, we will inform you whether or not your work has been accepted for publishing in Scholardarity.  You will be able to sell your work in our E-Store, first as digital PDF’s, but later as e-published books and journals.
After you have subscribed to Scholardarity, please provide us with your name, your discipline, college or university affiliation (if any), and any contact information you wish us to have, by sending an e-mail to jlzarri@scholardarity.com along with your attached contribution.
We are still offering our services for free. In the future, the charge for a scholar’s profile on this site is $2.00 for 1,000 words, to be paid once per year. The charge for papers and articles is also $2.00 for 1,000 words, which the editors receive as payment for their review and criticism.
The Store: Scholars can advertise items such as their dissertations, books, articles, posters, CD’s, etc. for sale for $1.99 per month. In addition we will subtract 5% of each sale in order to offset our credit card and PayPal charges. Advertisers themselves will have to do shipping and handling for non-digital items. Checks for such sales will be sent to subscribers by the end of the month. Note that when we publish e-books, our authors will receive 50% in royalties.
(Subscribers may decide to copyright their own work or have Scholardarity register a copyright in an online journal form.)
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