x Bookmark Allison Lee has shared an infographic on climate change with us. Thanks Allison! Created by: Learnstuff.com Original Infographic: Here
ScholardarityBringing scholars and students together to push the frontiers of knowledge with papers in History, Philosophy, Literature, Religion, Education and Theology |
x Bookmark For a while my blog Philosophical Pontifications and this blog have, unfortunately, been primarily monologues. In the interest of starting more conversations, both about philosophy and the humanities in general, I’ve decided to look for guest bloggers. You can contribute one post, a series of posts, or even become a regular contributor–it’s entirely more »
x Bookmark Open Source Study Notes, a new feature of Scholardarity, is opening. Anyone can contribute their study notes, study guides or study aids, and even overviews or introductions. All contributions will be free to read, and no registration is required. Submissions can be about specific courses, books, or articles; but they can also be more »